Exploring Traditional Textiles For Innovation: chika ohgi

Japanese textile artist Chika Ohgi gave a talk about her work and the concepts behind it.

“Tradition doesn’t need to be protected”
Ohgi believes that in order for innovation to be achieved, new techniques and art are required to continually progress within the creative field.

“My works are often installed in the natural light. The natural light is inconstant.”
The use of natural light and the quality of being unpredictable due to weather and positioning of certain works when places in different locations allows her work to remain unique and forever changing.

“Embedded in the Japanese mindset – the language of nature.”
Nature is a theme used subconsciously in Ohgi’s work and the materials used are natural, organic and Japanese, giving a strong connection to herĀ heritage and nationality and her delicate work shows her carefulness and consideration towards her home country.

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‘There is a careful balance in the work between the highly controlled and the accidental, the unexpected providing a fresh perception of the juxtaposition of the work and the space. Originally working with modular elements, she has used this approach with her later, more obviously interactive works.’

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